Leader in leveraging BIM to increase home densities, sustainably

  • Expert in converting single-family homes to multiple units.
  • Utilizing BIM to 3D model future homes while retaining the character of the old home.
  • Minimizing new material used by modeling and sustaining the existing house structure.
  • Integrating AR technology with BIM to model and envision the changes in the projects.

Other BIM Solutions

Construction Management

Our advanced 3D modelling tools improves project task quality, provides better quality homes, creates the possibility of sharing information, and improves work efficiency.

Design & Cost Estimate

We push the boundaries of design by using state-of-the-art 3D modeling tools. The BIM model can then be used to quickly and efficiently estimate the cost of construction. It also makes analyzing different design options much quicker and easier.

Building Energy Modeling

Our energy modeling for new homes helps to optimize the energy, reduce costs and meet the latest building codes

Our highlighted projects

the Founders

recent publications

Characterizing interactions with BIM tools

To better understand the challenges of interacting with BIM, we conducted a long term ethnographic study of a project team performing design coordination using state of the art BIM tools. We developed a taxonomy to represent the relationships between goals, artifacts, interactions and transitions for BIM-based design coordination processes.

Beyond the clash

The goal of this research is to better understand the causes of coordination issues and the factors that affect their resolution. Specifically, we developed a taxonomy of design coordination issues and an ontology that defines the relationships between physical, process, and model-based design issues.

BIM-based building design coordination

The objective of this study was to develop a characterization of the BIM building design coordination process, identify the bottlenecks in the current process, and provide design considerations to alleviate the bottlenecks.